
Radar CuratorialGeneral

April 4 – April 27, 2010
Reception:Friday, April 9, 6-9pm
183 Lorraine Street, 3rd Floor, Brooklyn


Brent Adrian
Abdolreza Aminlari
Kevin Bell
Heidi Blackwood
Barb Bondy
Anthony Cervino
Christine Dehne
A.J. Fries
Kyung Woo Han
Gwen Hardie
Brian Christopher Honesty Ownable Jones
Jonathon Kambouris
Richard Kessler
Chang Kyun Kim
Monika Malewska
Florence Alfano McEwin
Simonetta Moro
Lori Nelson
Austin Power
Bean Summer
John Tebeau
Chao-Ming Teng

In this group show bacon bras exist in the same world as satellite imagery, fine needlepoint and tanks bearing down on Tiananmen Square. The work in Point harnesses the power of focusing on a single object or concept by using a word, conversation, element, landscape, or direction to shine a light on the artist’s intent, all of which speak to a point in time. By focusing on the past these artist’s work speak to the present, and by focusing on the specific they speak to the universal. The focus in these works may be on one particular element of our environment and the lifespan of that single shape or object: delicate bubbles about to burst, muscles deteriorating, an architectural portrait, a bruise forming/healing. Hi-lighting these specific changes in an object illustrates the fragility and longevity of the world around us and what effect we have on those elements. A portion of the work is about the historical. The present referencing the past is aptly illustrated here. A simple representation of pop culture’s power or a fad in history is now represented quite memorable and entertaining.